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Design Contest

Reflex, glimmis, steady, design, tävling

During the winter season of 2013/14 Popomax offered a design competition where the goal was to design a new reflector. The winning contribution is being produced under the category Designers Collection.

The winner, Johanna Eriksson, designed a new concept of steady reflectors with a push button that fits well on bags, sleds, bikes, walkers and strollers. Stylish, smart and functional!

A variety of colors and patterns will be presented during the fall and winter 2015-2016.

First up are the collections:
Retro, Bullseye and Animals

In second place is Louise Henning with her incredibly sweet penguin reflectors. These will be offered in elegant gift boxes. What a sweet gift for someone you care about.

A school start kit will also be offered during the fall of 2015, where the reflectors are offered along with a card case for bus cards, library cards and / or membership cards. Both with motivs of the cute penguins.

 reflex, tävling, design, pingvin, glimmis, popomax

reflex, tävling, design, pingvin, kortfodral, glimmis, popomax

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