Frequently asked questions
It is easy to purchase items from our webshop. Here you will find the answers to questions that we are asked most frequently. If your questions are not answered here, please call or mail us so that we may help you.
How long is the delivery time?
We normally deliver within 2-4 days. With larger volumes please contact us for specific delivery time.
What does the postage cost?
Postage cost is ccalculated on the weight and size of your order, therefore every postage cost is unique. We use DHL and can send your order as payment on delivery if you have your own DHL account.
Can I purchase products as a private person?
Yes you can, but not via our webshop. Pre payment. Please send an E-mail to popomax@popomax.se.
How do I become a retailer for your products?
You create a company account and choose login details. After we have confirmed your details, you can login to our webshop and place your order.
How do I login to see my orders?
You can login by filling in the login details that you chose when you created your account (or those you received from us via mail). Then go to 'My account' and choose 'My orders'.
Can you produce bespoke products with our company logo on?
Yes, we can produce reflectors, Handy's and Document holders to your specifications. We can either print a logo onto the product or produce your own shape logo as a reflector. We can even produce your own product range if it is a large enough volume. For more information and quotes, please call us on: 08-755 87 27 or e-mail: popomax@popomax.se
Popomax AB
Höglidsvägen 36, 182 47 Enebyberg
Telefon: 08-755 87 27
E-post: popomax@popomax.se
Organisationsnr: 556271-2108
Företaget är godkänd för Fskatt.